Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

My story of limiting beliefs.

For years, I convinced myself a college degree would ensure respect and people of authority would listen. If only I had an education… I would be able to accomplish all the things I dream about. Write a book, own a business and feel like I had a purpose. Mostly, I wanted to feel respected. This […]

  • January 3, 2019

I created a list of accomplishments, why?

I am not a fan of resolutions. Perhaps it’s because I never keep them, of course, I get all excited and I am all in… for the first 2 weeks, then life gets in the way and I am back to the same routine. Several years ago I broke the cycle and decided to create […]

  • December 27, 2018


Have you seen this icon on your phone and wonder what it’s for? It’s the Podcast icon which has amazing audio episodes targeting an assortment of subjects. With so many to choose from I have gathered my top 3 motivation podcast for you to check out.On the move as much as we are, multitasking has […]

  • October 6, 2018

A day I never expected

In the world of Instagram, would you agree, photos are the key. Reviewing the gallery from our trip to Cave Creek, I mention to Wally (#1 supported and husband) I don’t have a good photo. He said… post the balloon photo, tell the story. Therefore I shared the picture with the following story of a […]

  • March 28, 2018

Traveling has provided empowerment

Being a travel blogger one may think I have always been adventurous, which has not been the case. In the past, I travel for work, where I attend meetings and return home. Wanting to explore… but I was too afraid.I have a fantastic husband, (high school sweethearts and #1 fan) he loves to explore as […]

  • July 29, 2017